Beekeepers resources

Below is a list of helpful free guides for beekeepers. The list is not exclusive and you should always check for current official advice.

Asian Hornet ID Sheet, Poster and Monitoring trap. NBU.
Bee Base – The National Bee Unit. Register your hives and apiaries here to have free inspections of your bees health as well as warnings of adverse conditions for our bees.
Bee develops from egg to adult – National Geographic
Common Pests and Diseases of the Adult Honey Bee. NBU.
Disease Recognition. NBU.
Feeding bees – water. NBU.
Feeding bees – sugar. NBU.
Feeding bees – pollen and substitutes. NBU.
Foulbrood Disease of Honey Bees. NBU
Handling and Examining a colony of bees. NBU.
Hive records. BBKA Hive record keeping sheet
Making increase. Simple Methods of Making Increase. Wally Shaw.
Spring checks. NBU.
Study notes for BBKA Assessments. From the Basic Assessment, through the Modules and Husbandry assessments, everything to help you study and prepare provided by The Mid Buckingshire Beekeepers Association.
Swarm control.
An Apiary Guide to Swarm Control. Wally Shaw.
Swarm control using the Demaree Method. [YouTube] North Herts BKA.
Swarm Control using the Pagden Method. [YouTube] North Herts BKA. (they use two 14×12 hives in the example, but the principle is the same with other hives.)
Swarm collection.
Collecting a swarm. BBKA leaflet.
How to Collect a Swarm of Honey Bees. [YouTube] Stewart Spinks.
Swarm Collecting. Dave Cushman’s website. Includes a section on hiving a swarm.
Varroa. Managing Varroa. NBU.

Favourite YouTubers

BeeCraft Magazine. You will even find a video here from our own Cris Coulson.
Michael Palmer. [Canada]
No Nonsense Beekeeping. Black Mountain Honey. Laurence Edwards. [North Wales]
Richard Noel. [Brittany]
The Norfolk Honey Company. Stewart Spinks.
Tom Seeley – Various hosts

Great websites

British Beekeepers Association. Register to access more materials.
Dave Cushman. A bit dated in layout, but still probably the most comprehensive in content anywhere.
Eva Crane Trust
NBU/Bee Base – resources
Welsh Beekeepers Association